Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Future Oil Spill in Alaska?

BP is now just one step away from opening up a new oil rig off the coast of Alaska.
I'm not kidding. The company whose oil rig in the Gulf just became the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history is on the verge of getting a permit to drill some more -- this time just off the coast of Alaska, near the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. [1]

Tell President Obama to reject BP's permit to drill off Alaska's coast.

In light of the damage still unfolding in the Gulf, it seems outrageous that the administration would even consider granting a permit to any oil company to drill anywhere off our coasts. But to BP? Thirty miles from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? That is just beyond words.
In fact, you might even be asking yourself how on earth this could be going forward in light of President Obama's moratorium on new deepwater drilling? Here's how: For its "Liberty" drilling project, BP has actually built a man-made island off the Alaskan coast from which to drill. Technically it's not deepwater or even offshore drilling -- but if we don't act now, it could cause deep trouble.
Click here to tell President Obama to stop BP's Alaska scheme and all new drilling off our coasts.
BP's "Liberty Project" would mount one of the world's most powerful drill rigs on a man-made island in Alaska's Beaufort Sea, and then drill two miles down and eight or nine miles out into the ocean to hit oil -- farther than any drill rig has reached before.
Cleaning up an oil spill in these Alaskan waters would be even more difficult than in the Gulf of Mexico. Unlike the balmy Gulf, the waters of the Beaufort Sea are near-freezing, covered with ice for nine months a year and totally dark for the entire winter.
But the Beaufort Sea is similar to the Gulf coast in one respect: Fish, marine manmals and birds abound. After months of seeing pelicans and sea turtles covered in oil, how could we possibly risk polar bears, seals, bowhead whales and rare birds suffering the same fate, at the hands of the same reckless company?
And yet, BP is only one permit approval away from starting up its giant drill rig off of Alaska's coast. Please click the link below to join me in calling on the President to stop this madness now.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Your Inner Stargate

Times of Great Change

Humanity is at the beginning of universal anatomy. Actually humanity is at the beginning of Galactic anatomy. Science is just at the beginning stages of learning to understand the workings of the Milky Way galaxy. As humanity begins to adventure to the other planets humanity begins to understand more about the inner workings of their solar system, galaxy and eventually universe. The same is true for the human being and their inner world. Humanity is at the edge of discovering an inner world that they never knew existed.

External Worlds

We would suggest that the sun is like the heart of the solar system and the planets are like unto the organs of the body.
 Here are several metaphors for you to ponder:

• As each human body is different so is each galaxy and or solar system.
• Each solar/planetary system is like an individual that is part of the collective world (the local galaxy ) as each human being is part of the collective on planet Earth.
• As every human body has its set of organs and their own interdependency, each galaxy and or solar system has its own set of organs/planets with their own interdependency.
• As the human body has other functioning mechanisms such as; cells, blood vessels, bones, arteries etc. each galaxy and or solar system has its own relative functioning. Each galaxy has its stars, novas, supernovas, black holes, white holes, magnetic frequencies, electrical frequencies etc. which can all be parallel to the functioning of the human body.

The metaphors could go on and on, broken down in greater detail as humanity discovers more and more of their solar system and the galaxy and then the next parallel the universe.

As in the beginning of human anatomy when nothing was really quite known and men was adventuring around the human body to discover how it works, that same parallel exists in our galactic discoveries. In the beginning when they were first discovering human anatomy there were guesses at to what these things inside the body were and they began to name them.

This too is occurring in our galactic discoveries. As humanity discovers more about black holes, space weather, planets and their moons humanity begins to label them with names and guess at their functioning. Eventually over the generations humanity will begin to understand the functioning of their solar body (solar system) and then their galactic body (galaxy) just as they discovered the functioning of the organs within the body and then the whole system of the body. Humanity is at the precipice of grand new discoveries and wondrous understandings. Each new discovery brings humanity closer to the edge of a greater consciousness.

Inner Worlds
Now that the external world has been glanced at it is time to look at the inner world of the human being. Humanity is finally recognizing that there is a whole inner world within them. In order to access this inner world you must go through your own personal transformation. This includes but is not limited to personal growth, spiritual expansion, the raising of your own personal frequencies, the elimination of all old belief systems and soul memories.
As these changes take place within you it opens the Inner Stargate - Your Heart!

When the Inner Stargate begins to open a whole new wondrous world begins. This new wondrous world is actually not new, however it is new to your human consciousness. When you pass through the Inner Stargate what you will actually discover is the memories of your spirit. In these memories are everything. This is the place that people have called home, hence the old phrase “home is where the heart is”. Humanity did not realize that the human home was merely a metaphor for their spirit which lies within the heart and that when they integrate their spirit into their human experience they will be home.

Humanity is on a wonderful journey and at the precipice of huge energetic change which will reflect change in your physical world.

When you find your own inner Stargate you will find your happiness.

We wish for you the courage and fortitude to find your home, your heart, your Inner Stargate. True peace and happiness lies within Your Inner Stargate.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill and You

 It is time to stop pointing the finger and looking outside of you with the reasons you are experiencing what is occurring.  It is not the oil company’s fault.  It is not the government’s fault.  Although, they neglected their responsibilities, it is the fault of the entire globe that is participating in the use of oil.
Do you use gasoline?

If you use anything that is plastic or made from oil, then you too have participated in this and it is not the oil companies or the government’s fault alone.  It is in fact no ones fault.  It is a way that the evolution of this society has taken place and it is time for you to take your own responsibility.  Do what you can in the outside world and reflect how you are no longer participating in this old way of living.

This old way of living is basically feeding off of the resources of another.  This happens in politics, in business, and as we see, we are feeding off of the earth’s resources just like businesses feed off of your desires, just like some people feed off of the emotions of another.  It is a way of consumption and we would say to you that consumption is not the way of the future.
It is time for everyone to stop consumption behaviors and change to inner sustenance that will supply you with everything you need.  As we look to the future in hopes that more people on the planet will step on board with this new paradigm.

We are in great times of change, look around you, see how everything and all of the old major structures are being challenged or deteriorating.  It is evidenced that the end times are here, but the end times are not the end of the earth or your life, it is the end of the old ways of consuming the resources of others to feed yourself, the end of limited awareness.  It is the beginning living through the heart functionally and integrating that into your everyday human life.

It is the beginning of a more loving world and you are here to witness it or will you hang on to the old, that question is for you personally.  Look within your heart, feel what really moves you and take action to experience it. See the vision and experience the larger picture in life.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill

Let us remember that we are all on this planet together.  Many people want to point fingers and blame, and yes, we recognize that much of the problem is caused by greed, government and politics, but we must say to you, do not focus on this!
Focus on making changes, whatever you can do, wherever you can do it.  Make changes!

•    Influence the people that can assist in making the changes.

•    Will do what you can to assist in these changes occurring, but most importantly…..

•    Make parallel changes within your own life, within your own body

Knowing that you are part of the whole planet and that the planet itself is one being, as you the human being are part of this planet, your energy is in effect also and affects the whole.

By taking care of yourself and your own personal life as well as assisting in the global life in some way shape or form, you will affect the whole planetary change.  It is important for you to take care of your own life, your own inner life.

What is going on with you again is simply mirrored in the outside world.  The oil spill is a parallel.  As this oil spill is about change and adjustment, it reflects the change that is required within your own personal life and inner growth.  It is time for you to make change.

As you make the changes within your own psyche, within your own emotional life, your own mental life, your own physical life, you will affect the whole and again assist in the earth as it changes.

As always thank you for visiting us and your comments are welcome. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Love Your Child with All Your Heart

Love yourself with all of your heart. By doing this you set the example for your child so that they can love themselves. In doing so, you show your child that they have the right and the ability to love themselves.

There is no greater act of love!

When your child sees you loving and caring for yourself they will know that they can do this for themselves also. By giving them the space and the living example they will know how much you really love them!
Children learn by example and use what has been modeled for them. If you show them that you do not love yourself with all of your heart they will know, that they do not deserve to be loved. How so, you might ask.

A true loving heart is one that has loved them self first and shares that love with others. Sharing or radiating love is different than giving love.

By showing the child that you do not have love in your heart for yourself and that only others matter, they will then reflect and adopt this behavior as well as this belief system. What you teach them by not loving yourself is that they do not matter only loving others matters.

Teaching a child to love them self first is the sign of a truly loving heart. This truly loving heart is showing them that you love them so much that your personal needs are not involved in the equation, that your love is absolute and pure. The key to teaching this to your child is you learning to love yourself without conditions.

Traditionally people have been taught that the expression and display of love is the most important way to communicate it. But in truth love is a feeling, love is not a display nor a communication. You can feel if someone loves you or not, no matter what their words are. This is especially true for children. They feel your love, no matter what you do or say. As they become older they begin to understand the concept of love as it is explained, but this does not change their feeling experience of what love is.

How is this related to loving myself first you might ask. Well let us tell you, loving yourself first makes you a Hub of Love. They will feel the love that is inside you and no matter what your behaviors are they will know in their hearts that they are loved because they feel the love in your heart.
Please go  to our sister blog - My Unique Child - for more on children.

Love Your Child with All of Your Heart

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Three More Steps to Eliminate the Need for Self-Improvement

Three More Steps to Eliminate the Need for

1.    Eliminate judgment
Learn to stop seeing things as good or bad. The tendency to make a judgment about an experience is all too common and just a habit. We suggest here that you begin by consciously changing your habit of making judgments. Instead see everything as a learning experience. Whether you have learned that something is not pleasurable or something is pleasurable it is still learning.
2.    Enjoy the experience and Acceptance
Every experience you have creates wisdom that you will have for the rest of your life. Acceptance of these experiences and knowing that they have created this wisdom allows you to expand your awareness. With expanded awareness the ability to change and make conscious choices becomes more prevalent in your life. As this becomes more prevalent in your life you will also discover that you have created these experiences either consciously or unconsciously.
3.    Become a Creator
Once you have discovered that you have created these experiences either consciously or unconsciously you are on the road to become a creator. Now that you know this, the next thing you should be aware of is that you are not only a creator but you have become a conscious creator. Up until now people have used “laws” like the Law of Attraction to explain their creations. When you realize that you are the creator of all of your experiences laws like the Law of Attraction are no longer relevant. What now becomes relevant is your own personal responsibility as the creator of your existence and experience and not some force outside of you.

If you have any questions or comments we are always interested in hearing from you. Do you want more information? If so visit us at www.masteringtheartofbeinghuman.com

Friday, June 4, 2010

7 Steps That Form Emotions

The following is a simplified explanation of how emotions are formed and the process that you go through in order to have an emotion.
When you understand how emotions are formed and their process you may change your experience of them and make a conscious choice in deciding if you want to have them.

The Formation of an Emotion
1.    an experience occurs
2.    a feeling occurs
3.    a judgment happens
4.    belief system is established
5.    an associated emotional label is attached to the feeling
6.    a thought process or behavior is assigned to the emotional label/feeling/thought
7.    an internal feeling is repeated with the judgment applied to the behavior. An expression in some form is demonstrated or occurs. (sometimes the expression is internal only)

The Process of Emotion
1.    an experience triggers a feeling
2.    an associated emotional label is attached to the feeling (based on the belief system established during the formation of those emotions)
3.     a thought process or behavior is assigned to the emotional label and feeling
4.     a thought, behavior or expression is then demonstrated or occurs.

Emotions are personal experience and each individual experiences them similarly yet differently. Emotions are based in family, cultural, human patterned belief systems.

What we hope you get out of this is that emotions are optional. You may have the ones you like and change the ones you do not. Life is a choice and how you experience it is your decision!

As always we welcome your comments and opinions.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

10 Facts about Emotions

10 Facts about Emotions

1.    Emotions themselves are not real!
2.    Emotions are a result of a belief system that judges experiences.
3.    Emotions are labels that people use as a way to define and communicate feelings that go on within the body and mind in order that they may be understood.
4.    Expression of emotions are the result of a belief system
5.    All human beings have emotions
6.    Human beings tend to be governed by their emotions
7.    Emotions are not just for women
8.    Emotions tend to create unconscious behaviors
9.    Emotions do not make you weak
10.  Emotions are misunderstood 

 The expressions of emotions are the result of a belief system that has become habitual in the display in which a person believes they must/should act based upon experiences that bring about feelings inside of them. These expressions then become “normal” and often become automatic.

Quite often people mistake expressive behaviors as an emotion. Emotions are the cause and the root of expressive behaviors. Expressive behaviors of particular emotions may appear to be common but are not normal.
Emotions are what drive the expressions of the emotions. The expression of emotions does not make a person emotional!
Click for a free audio about emotions

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Dark Side of Effort

Effort: the work necessary to do something.

Things are an effort when you must do things that you do not want to do, are not confident at doing or are afraid to do.

Effort is only required when you want something but you do not have the drive to find a solution, acquire or accomplish that which you desire.

You only need to put forth effort when you perceive something that is hard. And the only reason that you perceive something is hard is when you know you have to do something that you fear, are not good at, or do not feel like actively participating in.

The “work “necessary to do something is only work because there is resistance to doing it. If there were no resistance to doing something it would be effortless and joyful.

Where do you create “work” in your life rather than effortless joy?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking like the Law of Attraction is misunderstood. Many people perceive it to be a way to change your life. We would suggest that it's a step in the right direction but certainly does not change your life. If it did all anyone would have to do is think happy thoughts or good thoughts and their life would be completely different.

One of the main problems with positive thinking is that sometimes it can change the way your life looks in the way you appear to be responding to it. It does not however, change the way you feel inside about life. It can temporarily distract you from your deep inner feelings long enough for you to appear like you have turned your life around. Ultimately the truth within always comes out. Your inner belief systems will eventually reveal themselves.

There is so much to say on the subject in so much detail that we could get into but we are going to limit this to a basic understanding of why positive thinking or positive attitudes to not work.

If you relate this to electricity,  it is understood that in order for something to work electrically there must be a positive and negative (we will leave out the neutral for now). That takes us back to positive thinking. If you have a positive thought that means you must have a negative thought. If you live in the world of duality/polarity there will always be positive and negative. The tendency with positive thinking is that you suppress, control or deny the negative aspect of your life. The word positive is a judgment. It is a perceptual opinion. And with any judgment of good or bad there must be an opposing force. This alone has already put you in a life of struggle and strife even though you're appearing and looking at life positively.

The only way to a full joyful life is to live neutrally. To live neutrally simply means to live without judgment. Nothing is good or bad things just are. Something makes your heart sing or it does not. If it does make your heart sing it doesn't make it good. If it doesn't make your heart sing it isn't bad.

To live a neutral life is to be unconditionally accepting of all life no matter how it appears. To be unconditionally accepting leads to unconditional love and a full joyful life!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fear Makes Life Hard/ Consciouness Makes Life Easy

We've all heard someone say “it's hard”.
When you say or hear someone say, it's hard or life's hard, it would be good to know what they are really saying. Let's also include in this genre it's difficult, challenging, an obstacle etc.
We're not going to beat around the bush or mix words. We're going to get straight to the point. It is very simple and one sentence, it means:
I do not want to learn/expand or be conscious!

When you or someone uses the phrase it's hard, the truth is you are making it hard. Nothing in this world is hard, it is all perception. What is common though, is fear when you encounter something you are not experienced in, feel confident in or know about it is commonly perceived of as hard.
What this boils down to is, change. People have a tendency to fear change. In truth change is expansion and expansion makes life easier. Fear is contraction. Consciousness is expansion. Becoming conscious and experienced makes you wise. When you find yourself experiencing life is hard in any way remember this:
You are at a moment of choice!
  • Will you choose to become conscious?
  • Will you choose to become experienced?
  • Will you choose wisdom instead of fear?
You might say how is fear involved? The bottom line here is  the fear of change.
Embrace change and you will automatically embrace life, effortlessly.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Human Fundamentals

Basics for being Human

You need to understand the human form and condition not become it.
If you become it you are trapped in the illusion. If you become it you “are” it. Become is defined as – to enter or assume a certain state or condition.
What you are NOT!
•    You have incarnated on earth in a human form you are not human.
•    You inhabit a human body you are not human.
•    You move around in physical reality, you are not physical.
•    You use the human form to experience the earth plane you are not human nor do you belong to the earth.
•    You experience the physical world as real because you have forgotten who you really are.
•    Being human is an act of consciousness not a truth.

What you ARE!
•    You are spirit.
•    You are eternal and unlimited.
•    You are consciousness.

What you have forgotten!
•    Your true identity.
•    All that you are.
•    How to be all that you are.
•    Home is through the heart center.
•    That you are already home.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soul Memory and The Fear of Death

The fear of death is often difficult to understand for many reasons. One is that it may have nothing to do with your human mind or experience. This would make it unexplainable to the human understanding. Sometimes in the human understanding it makes no sense to have these unexplained fears.

 The fear of death may also be experienced at the soul level. The soul is still in the experience of separation and duality. While the soul is experiencing this separateness and still recording life's events from duality/polarity it records the many traumatic experiences that it encountered in the physical body. The soul contains the memories of all of these traumas and can also record fear. This fear then is inexplicably experienced by the human understanding. When the soul has been anchored fully in a human body and had many traumatic physical experiences it will also record the interpretation of those experiences. One of those interpretations is fear. Along with this fear is also recorded the reactions to things that are feared. This then brings along into a new life experience, unconscious behavior patterns that are not explainable in present day.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingDeath commonly is experienced as a traumatic and fearful event. In the history of the world there have been many wars and very poor medical practices that have led to many painful deaths. The fear and pain encountered during those times is often  anticipated or re-experienced  even if the current death is not painful. This also could possibly create a fear of birth or being alive and in a human body. Based upon these traumas and fears the soul may not want to reattach itself to the body based on anticipation of re-encountering these painful traumas. In truth what is actually occurring is the memories are being re-experienced over and over whether they are actually happening or not. These fears may also create events and circumstances that cause this experience to occur over and over again.

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)If you happen to have the fear of death or any other inexplicable fears maybe this post will assist you in making sense of them.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Unconditional Acceptance

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living
Many people speak of unconditional love, it is a rare thing that occurs. We think that part of the trouble and difficulty is because of the common definition of the word love. In the human mind love means something that is not what was intended by the ancient ones who spoke of love. Human love is different than Love.

We would suggest that learning and becoming unconditional acceptance will set the stage for a greater understanding of Love.

Unconditional acceptance is what Love is about and is required for you to move forward in your growth and enjoyment of life.

Unconditional Acceptance includes but is not limited to the following.

Becoming Unconditionally Accepting of:

•    yourself
•     others
•    all events
•    the world as it is
•    that anything is possible
•    your choices and behaviors
•    everyone has their own truth
•    other people's choices and behaviors
•    there are many things you are unaware of

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)You must be mindful of the difference between neutrality and indifference as they appear the same to the limited ego personality. Unconditional acceptance is often experienced as the state of neutrality. Unconditional acceptance is free of judgment. Because of this the state of neutrality or unconditional acceptance is often judged by the mind as being cold, because there are no emotional feelings. This state of no emotions is a reflection of neutrality a step toward Unconditional Love.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Knowledge Is Power

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingFor this writing understand that your head is a metaphor for your ego/ personality or humanness and your heart is a metaphor for your spirit. The metaphor when your head and heart merge is a parallel for your spirit and your ego/ personality merging which allows you to have conscious wisdom in the world of form.

The head seeks knowledge in order to validate itself. In relation to the metaphor above, the heart is your spirit and with your spirit everything is known there is no need for knowledge. The head being a metaphor for your limited ego personality and your ego personality seeks validation that it exists. In order to receive this validation or create its own reality it needs knowledge. With knowledge the ego personality gains and maintains validation. The phrase “knowledge is power” really means that the more knowledge you have the more powerful your ego/ personality structure becomes.

Knowledge is the power of limitation!
Wisdom is the freedom from limitation!

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)Knowledge is the power through which the ego personality survives. Spirit (the heart) has no need for knowledge. It's awareness comes through experience and beingness. Experience is wisdom and wisdom is the beingness of your spirit.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The single greatest aspiration you can have in life is to have the desire and willingness to find out who you really are. To find out what your own spirit/soul wants to be or experience. That's the only true aspiration and the only aspiration you need. All other aspirations are based upon the world, programs and beliefs systems.These aspirations are all temporal and in essence false.

Until you are tired of keeping yourself numb or living in the patterned behaviors you have accepted as your truth you will never be able to reach the true aspiration of becoming/discovering who you truly are. The causes of your numbness may be eating, working, relationships, drugs, alcohol, feeling important, feeling loved, wanting to be successful, cars, etc. As long as the desire to be or do something other than discovering your true essence your life will never be truly complete or fulfilling.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingOften times this is reflected in a seeming emptiness within that is unexplainable. This feeling of emptiness is at times so unbearable people do not know what to do. Quite often to fill this emptiness people continue with the busyness or these forms of numbing to the aspiration of becoming, your true essence. The irony here is that the emptiness is not truly emptiness. The emptiness feels empty because you are numb. Sometimes it feels empty because you are trying to fill the sense of your true essence with all of these busy things. Because at some level you know that these busy things are empty.
 This can lead to life feeling shallow, superficial and meaningless. When all the things that you believe you are supposed to be no longer keep you busy enough to ignore the emptiness there is often a search for inner meaning.

Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)The emptiness is not truly an emptiness. It is perceived of as emptiness because all of the things you believed you were supposed to be do not work in the truth of your essence. The inability to distinguish the difference between who you believe you were supposed to be and who you really are is what creates this perceived sense of emptiness. If you are feeling empty inside or have ever felt this sense of emptiness, we suggest it is then time for you to aspire to be who you really are. Discover your true spiritual essence and the emptiness will disappear and you will see that it was all an illusion. You will discover that it was only there because the real you was not.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Meaningful Relationships

Many people are searching for meaningful relationships. Some reasons for this search are, to complete themselves, to feel fulfilled, to place their love on to someone or be loved by someone etc. These are but a few common reasons for people getting into relationships. Of course there are many more reasons, as many as people can imagine. What most people don't understand is that you cannot have a full meaningful relationship with another human being until you had or begin to have a meaningful relationship with yourself.

The first step to having a meaningful relationship with someone else is to have one with you. This means going on an inner journey of self-discovery. In this process the object is to learn about your patterned behaviors and beliefs systems that contribute to any or all challenges you have had in the past and may still have, in having relationships with other human beings.

Four steps to a meaningful relationship: 

1.    Self-discovery - inner exploration of your beliefs patterned behaviors and attitudes towards other people.

2.     Change - find processes that assist you in making changes in your behaviors beliefs and attitudes.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living3.     Unconditional acceptance of yourself - once you have discovered some of your behaviors, Beliefs and attitudes in regards to relationships, accept them. Know that these are just programs that can be changed. Change the ones that don't work in regards to having  meaningful relationships and keep the ones that work.

4.    Love yourself - learning to love/unconditionally accept yourself and be happy with who you are, is required for you to have a meaningful relationship with someone else.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Am I?

Does all the old and familiar not seem to work anymore? Do you feel driven to do things that you do not have interest in? Does everything seem to have changed but yet you cannot understand why?

These questions and more are occurring every day for everyone. With all the new energetic changes and the internal shifts going on within each and every one of you the old does not seem to work anymore. Your old habits though, seem to want to still operate. This can often lead to confusion and misunderstanding of what you are supposed to be doing. We would say to you what you are supposed to be doing is discovering your own spirit and what you are actually here for. Being committed to this is the main thing that you are supposed to be doing.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living Now mind you there is no, supposed to be. But for our understanding in the direction of yourself there is a supposed to be of being your self. Your divine self is attempting to integrate with your human self. The old ways that you have been in the past will not seem to be right and yet nothing seems to be right for you at this time. For those of you experiencing this understand that this is a pretty common experience for many people. You may encounter the same thing with food. You'll have a desire for food yet nothing seems to satisfy your desires. Nothing you eat seems to be quite right and yet at the same time too much. This is all about the changes. This is nothing to be concerned about or worry about.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)We would say to you for the food cravings, try spices. Spices and spicy things seem to help with this as well as assist the body. As for your own direction, be patient your answers will arrive. You are going through a time of readjustment and during this time it only creates more confusion for your human mind if you try to do things that don't feel right. Do what's necessary to maintain your functional lifestyle and patiently await your new direction.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal Armageddon

Your personal Armageddon is when your old programs and belief systems are confronted by your new consciousness. You must choose are you going to be the new or are you going to try and hold on to the old ways that you have been so comfortable and familiar with. Are you going to live in polarity consciousness or are you going to live in the unity consciousness? To live in unity consciousness simply means the knowing-ness that all is one and that your decisions and behaviors affect the consciousness of everyone on the planet. All of your judgments and opinions of others are opinions that you have of yourself somewhere.

Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)With 2010 being the year of great change and 2012 with all its rumors fast approaching us is time to understand your own personal Armageddon. Yes 2012 is the peak time for great change but it is not the beginning of this change nor is it the end. 2012 is the time in which the new frequencies of change peak on the planet. You have seen some of mother Earth's changes already beginning and they have been ongoing for a decade now. Only with the acknowledgment and conscious awareness of these changes coming are people actually noticing them. Large scale earthquakes continually occur beneath the ocean unbeknownst to most people.

Isn't this the same your own personal experiences? There are constant rumblings beneath your consciousness about the need for change unbeknownst to most people’s conscious awareness. You see, the Earth is a metaphor for your own personal experience. The Earth is processing just like you are. When the earth rumbles and shakes, when hurricanes or tornadoes occur it would be good for you to reflect upon yourself to see where the same things are occurring within yourself. These are all energies of change. When you focus on your own inner changes in rumblings and do what is necessary to make the changes your spirit is asking for you also assist the Earth in lessening the amount of changes she will have to go through.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Things to do to make your personal Armageddon easier:
•    do a life review - take a look at what you are still doing, feeling or thinking that is not conducive to a loving heart

•    spend more quiet time with yourself - meditation, still time, walks in nature

•    change behaviors that are not loving

•    look for the causes of behaviors and feelings that are not loving

•    make a commitment to yourself to become unconditionally accepting of everything that you are

Apple iPad Case (CASE-ZML MC361ZM/A)•    become more conscious in all ways - conscious of your behaviors, of your feelings, of your environments and of things nonphysical

Personal Armageddon is merely a way for us to communicate with a common language that is occurring today. Often people hear the word Armageddon and feel some sort of dread or fear that something terrible will happen. We would like to tell you that nothing terrible has to happen. There are times of discomfort because the ego personality and physical body are making changes as new frequencies of consciousness are introduced.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingThe beauty of all this is that as you go through this it actually becomes easier. Many of your spiritual gifts will begin to come through into your daily life. You will see that many new technologies will begin to emerge in the next few years. These new technologies are reflections of what you can do without gadgets and are only the beginning of what is ahead.

Please visit our website www.masteringtheartofbeinghuman.com as we are making many changes. We are making more articles and audios available to you. Remember all the information we share with you is simply for you to digest and feel what is right to your spirit.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ascension and Human Skills

There's a lot of talk these days about ascension or ascending. We want to clarify the idea of ascending. Ascension is simply the raising of frequency. There is an old belief system that revolves around an idea that ascension means to leave the body. This was the old way it is not the way it is intended for the Aquarian age. Ascension in the New Age is related to raising frequencies of denseness and limitation to frequencies of freedom and the reuniting of your spirit with your human consciousness.

The frequencies of your current ego/personality are related to belief systems and soul memories. In the ascension process these beliefs systems and soul memories need to be neutralized or changed. By neutralizing or changing your belief systems and soul memories you automatically raise your frequencies. This allows you to become more connected with your own spirit. For the average person that is not on a “spiritual journey” this will be experienced by simply changing the way that they live, think and experience the world.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingFor people who are into personal growth they will experience it something like trying to change their beliefs systems, doing therapy, becoming more aware of themselves and the idea of patterned behaviors and/or being pulled toward the spiritual direction. For those already on a spiritual journey they will experience everything already mentioned as well as an understanding of energy, intuitive/psychic abilities, expanded consciousness and the sense of the greater picture. For those of you on the spiritual journey a major pitfall is ignoring your humanness in your human skills.

Many people on the spiritual path ignore these things is seeing them as not as important as spiritual stuff. We would tell you that they are not separate that your spiritual stuff and your humanness stuff are equally important. To become a master of your own ascension is to be a master of both spiritual skills and human skills until you have integrated them both into one the whole experience. When you have mastered your human and your spiritual skills you will be a unified being.

Amazon Kindle Black Leather Cover w/ strap (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)This will parallel to the unity consciousness that is coming to this planet and the consciousness of everyone on it. By you living in the unity consciousness yourself you ground this energy for the entire planet. It is not about leaving the planet to understand your spirit it is about your spirit fully and turning your humanness and becoming a spiritual human/spirit human.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Transition 2010

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingWell the last couple of months have been great transition for many people. At this time we want to notify you that we will also be transitioning the name of the MMI website and newsletter to Mastering the Art of Being Human.

Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation--with iPhone OS 3.1 Software Installed) [NEWEST MODEL]We feel that this is more appropriate at this time as all of humanity is learning to integrate their spirituality and their humanness whether they are conscious of it or not. This is a time when those of you who are ready will become spiritual humans. This is where your humanness/your ego personality becomes unified with your inner spirit. Mastering the Art of Being Human website will be a place where the average person can learn about their spirit, and their humanity meets their spirituality. It will also be a place where people who are becoming connected with their spirit can integrate and ground their spirit into their humanness.

There's a lot of talk these days about ascension or ascending. We want to clarify the idea of ascending. Ascension is simply the raising of frequency. There is an old belief system that revolves around an idea that ascension means to leave the body. This was the old way it is not the way it is intended for the Aquarian age. Ascension in the New Age is related to raising frequencies of denseness and limitation to frequencies of freedom and the reuniting of your spirit with your human consciousness. This is why we have so aptly chosen the name Mastering the Art of Being Human.
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By the way we have a blog that we have recently started for parenting indigo/intuitive/psychic children or children who are “different”. Please post questions or situations and we will comment on them for you.
