Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Dark Side of Effort

Effort: the work necessary to do something.

Things are an effort when you must do things that you do not want to do, are not confident at doing or are afraid to do.

Effort is only required when you want something but you do not have the drive to find a solution, acquire or accomplish that which you desire.

You only need to put forth effort when you perceive something that is hard. And the only reason that you perceive something is hard is when you know you have to do something that you fear, are not good at, or do not feel like actively participating in.

The “work “necessary to do something is only work because there is resistance to doing it. If there were no resistance to doing something it would be effortless and joyful.

Where do you create “work” in your life rather than effortless joy?


  1. My life tends be on a pendulum -- sometimes it's effortless, other times 'work' -- that being said, a case could be made for the pattern of going in and out of joy/fear -- and thus, not recognize the apparent moment(s) of resistance -- in other words, they all seem to blend.

    And of course, there's always the...working thru resistance!

  2. Agreed. Our opinion, is they seem to blend due to our lack of awareness of our pattered behaviors and that is why they blend. we swing so "normally" through behaviors with out checking to see if we really want them.

    thanks for your feedback!!!!

  3. I find that a key difference is WANT vs. NEED. If I really want something, then the effort invested is energizing and the journey makes me happy. If I am doing something just because I feel I need to, then I find that it is draining and it doesn't make me happy. If initially, I feel I need to do something for some reason and find myself hesitating. I find it useful to step-back, think about why I might want to do it instead. Once I find the thing in the task that inspires me, it changes the experience! If I can't, then I ask myself if it's really worth doing at all. More often than not, if I can't find a reason to want to do it, I can simply let it go without any consequences.

  4. Needs are 99% wants. The only real needs we have as adults are food, shelter and clothing.

    I feel you are saying what we were saying, doing from your heart is effortless joy.

    As always your comments are enjoyed and appreciated.
