Monday, July 26, 2010

Your Inner Stargate

Times of Great Change

Humanity is at the beginning of universal anatomy. Actually humanity is at the beginning of Galactic anatomy. Science is just at the beginning stages of learning to understand the workings of the Milky Way galaxy. As humanity begins to adventure to the other planets humanity begins to understand more about the inner workings of their solar system, galaxy and eventually universe. The same is true for the human being and their inner world. Humanity is at the edge of discovering an inner world that they never knew existed.

External Worlds

We would suggest that the sun is like the heart of the solar system and the planets are like unto the organs of the body.
 Here are several metaphors for you to ponder:

• As each human body is different so is each galaxy and or solar system.
• Each solar/planetary system is like an individual that is part of the collective world (the local galaxy ) as each human being is part of the collective on planet Earth.
• As every human body has its set of organs and their own interdependency, each galaxy and or solar system has its own set of organs/planets with their own interdependency.
• As the human body has other functioning mechanisms such as; cells, blood vessels, bones, arteries etc. each galaxy and or solar system has its own relative functioning. Each galaxy has its stars, novas, supernovas, black holes, white holes, magnetic frequencies, electrical frequencies etc. which can all be parallel to the functioning of the human body.

The metaphors could go on and on, broken down in greater detail as humanity discovers more and more of their solar system and the galaxy and then the next parallel the universe.

As in the beginning of human anatomy when nothing was really quite known and men was adventuring around the human body to discover how it works, that same parallel exists in our galactic discoveries. In the beginning when they were first discovering human anatomy there were guesses at to what these things inside the body were and they began to name them.

This too is occurring in our galactic discoveries. As humanity discovers more about black holes, space weather, planets and their moons humanity begins to label them with names and guess at their functioning. Eventually over the generations humanity will begin to understand the functioning of their solar body (solar system) and then their galactic body (galaxy) just as they discovered the functioning of the organs within the body and then the whole system of the body. Humanity is at the precipice of grand new discoveries and wondrous understandings. Each new discovery brings humanity closer to the edge of a greater consciousness.

Inner Worlds
Now that the external world has been glanced at it is time to look at the inner world of the human being. Humanity is finally recognizing that there is a whole inner world within them. In order to access this inner world you must go through your own personal transformation. This includes but is not limited to personal growth, spiritual expansion, the raising of your own personal frequencies, the elimination of all old belief systems and soul memories.
As these changes take place within you it opens the Inner Stargate - Your Heart!

When the Inner Stargate begins to open a whole new wondrous world begins. This new wondrous world is actually not new, however it is new to your human consciousness. When you pass through the Inner Stargate what you will actually discover is the memories of your spirit. In these memories are everything. This is the place that people have called home, hence the old phrase “home is where the heart is”. Humanity did not realize that the human home was merely a metaphor for their spirit which lies within the heart and that when they integrate their spirit into their human experience they will be home.

Humanity is on a wonderful journey and at the precipice of huge energetic change which will reflect change in your physical world.

When you find your own inner Stargate you will find your happiness.

We wish for you the courage and fortitude to find your home, your heart, your Inner Stargate. True peace and happiness lies within Your Inner Stargate.

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