Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill and You

 It is time to stop pointing the finger and looking outside of you with the reasons you are experiencing what is occurring.  It is not the oil company’s fault.  It is not the government’s fault.  Although, they neglected their responsibilities, it is the fault of the entire globe that is participating in the use of oil.
Do you use gasoline?

If you use anything that is plastic or made from oil, then you too have participated in this and it is not the oil companies or the government’s fault alone.  It is in fact no ones fault.  It is a way that the evolution of this society has taken place and it is time for you to take your own responsibility.  Do what you can in the outside world and reflect how you are no longer participating in this old way of living.

This old way of living is basically feeding off of the resources of another.  This happens in politics, in business, and as we see, we are feeding off of the earth’s resources just like businesses feed off of your desires, just like some people feed off of the emotions of another.  It is a way of consumption and we would say to you that consumption is not the way of the future.
It is time for everyone to stop consumption behaviors and change to inner sustenance that will supply you with everything you need.  As we look to the future in hopes that more people on the planet will step on board with this new paradigm.

We are in great times of change, look around you, see how everything and all of the old major structures are being challenged or deteriorating.  It is evidenced that the end times are here, but the end times are not the end of the earth or your life, it is the end of the old ways of consuming the resources of others to feed yourself, the end of limited awareness.  It is the beginning living through the heart functionally and integrating that into your everyday human life.

It is the beginning of a more loving world and you are here to witness it or will you hang on to the old, that question is for you personally.  Look within your heart, feel what really moves you and take action to experience it. See the vision and experience the larger picture in life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. All of the blame and finger-pointing on the news, twitter, blogs, etc. seem to ignore an important fact. Each of us has contributed to the situation.
