Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Human Fundamentals

Basics for being Human

You need to understand the human form and condition not become it.
If you become it you are trapped in the illusion. If you become it you “are” it. Become is defined as – to enter or assume a certain state or condition.
What you are NOT!
•    You have incarnated on earth in a human form you are not human.
•    You inhabit a human body you are not human.
•    You move around in physical reality, you are not physical.
•    You use the human form to experience the earth plane you are not human nor do you belong to the earth.
•    You experience the physical world as real because you have forgotten who you really are.
•    Being human is an act of consciousness not a truth.

What you ARE!
•    You are spirit.
•    You are eternal and unlimited.
•    You are consciousness.

What you have forgotten!
•    Your true identity.
•    All that you are.
•    How to be all that you are.
•    Home is through the heart center.
•    That you are already home.

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