Friday, June 4, 2010

7 Steps That Form Emotions

The following is a simplified explanation of how emotions are formed and the process that you go through in order to have an emotion.
When you understand how emotions are formed and their process you may change your experience of them and make a conscious choice in deciding if you want to have them.

The Formation of an Emotion
1.    an experience occurs
2.    a feeling occurs
3.    a judgment happens
4.    belief system is established
5.    an associated emotional label is attached to the feeling
6.    a thought process or behavior is assigned to the emotional label/feeling/thought
7.    an internal feeling is repeated with the judgment applied to the behavior. An expression in some form is demonstrated or occurs. (sometimes the expression is internal only)

The Process of Emotion
1.    an experience triggers a feeling
2.    an associated emotional label is attached to the feeling (based on the belief system established during the formation of those emotions)
3.     a thought process or behavior is assigned to the emotional label and feeling
4.     a thought, behavior or expression is then demonstrated or occurs.

Emotions are personal experience and each individual experiences them similarly yet differently. Emotions are based in family, cultural, human patterned belief systems.

What we hope you get out of this is that emotions are optional. You may have the ones you like and change the ones you do not. Life is a choice and how you experience it is your decision!

As always we welcome your comments and opinions.


  1. The judgment and the labeling appears to be key for me. It's amazing how many times a minute this occurs, once one is aware of what's happening!

  2. yes it is amazing and most human beings are never aware of how they are running on auto-pilot by this process. Becoming conscious is a wonderful yet sometimes challenging adventure!
