Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Dark Side of Effort

Effort: the work necessary to do something.

Things are an effort when you must do things that you do not want to do, are not confident at doing or are afraid to do.

Effort is only required when you want something but you do not have the drive to find a solution, acquire or accomplish that which you desire.

You only need to put forth effort when you perceive something that is hard. And the only reason that you perceive something is hard is when you know you have to do something that you fear, are not good at, or do not feel like actively participating in.

The “work “necessary to do something is only work because there is resistance to doing it. If there were no resistance to doing something it would be effortless and joyful.

Where do you create “work” in your life rather than effortless joy?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking like the Law of Attraction is misunderstood. Many people perceive it to be a way to change your life. We would suggest that it's a step in the right direction but certainly does not change your life. If it did all anyone would have to do is think happy thoughts or good thoughts and their life would be completely different.

One of the main problems with positive thinking is that sometimes it can change the way your life looks in the way you appear to be responding to it. It does not however, change the way you feel inside about life. It can temporarily distract you from your deep inner feelings long enough for you to appear like you have turned your life around. Ultimately the truth within always comes out. Your inner belief systems will eventually reveal themselves.

There is so much to say on the subject in so much detail that we could get into but we are going to limit this to a basic understanding of why positive thinking or positive attitudes to not work.

If you relate this to electricity,  it is understood that in order for something to work electrically there must be a positive and negative (we will leave out the neutral for now). That takes us back to positive thinking. If you have a positive thought that means you must have a negative thought. If you live in the world of duality/polarity there will always be positive and negative. The tendency with positive thinking is that you suppress, control or deny the negative aspect of your life. The word positive is a judgment. It is a perceptual opinion. And with any judgment of good or bad there must be an opposing force. This alone has already put you in a life of struggle and strife even though you're appearing and looking at life positively.

The only way to a full joyful life is to live neutrally. To live neutrally simply means to live without judgment. Nothing is good or bad things just are. Something makes your heart sing or it does not. If it does make your heart sing it doesn't make it good. If it doesn't make your heart sing it isn't bad.

To live a neutral life is to be unconditionally accepting of all life no matter how it appears. To be unconditionally accepting leads to unconditional love and a full joyful life!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fear Makes Life Hard/ Consciouness Makes Life Easy

We've all heard someone say “it's hard”.
When you say or hear someone say, it's hard or life's hard, it would be good to know what they are really saying. Let's also include in this genre it's difficult, challenging, an obstacle etc.
We're not going to beat around the bush or mix words. We're going to get straight to the point. It is very simple and one sentence, it means:
I do not want to learn/expand or be conscious!

When you or someone uses the phrase it's hard, the truth is you are making it hard. Nothing in this world is hard, it is all perception. What is common though, is fear when you encounter something you are not experienced in, feel confident in or know about it is commonly perceived of as hard.
What this boils down to is, change. People have a tendency to fear change. In truth change is expansion and expansion makes life easier. Fear is contraction. Consciousness is expansion. Becoming conscious and experienced makes you wise. When you find yourself experiencing life is hard in any way remember this:
You are at a moment of choice!
  • Will you choose to become conscious?
  • Will you choose to become experienced?
  • Will you choose wisdom instead of fear?
You might say how is fear involved? The bottom line here is  the fear of change.
Embrace change and you will automatically embrace life, effortlessly.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Human Fundamentals

Basics for being Human

You need to understand the human form and condition not become it.
If you become it you are trapped in the illusion. If you become it you “are” it. Become is defined as – to enter or assume a certain state or condition.
What you are NOT!
•    You have incarnated on earth in a human form you are not human.
•    You inhabit a human body you are not human.
•    You move around in physical reality, you are not physical.
•    You use the human form to experience the earth plane you are not human nor do you belong to the earth.
•    You experience the physical world as real because you have forgotten who you really are.
•    Being human is an act of consciousness not a truth.

What you ARE!
•    You are spirit.
•    You are eternal and unlimited.
•    You are consciousness.

What you have forgotten!
•    Your true identity.
•    All that you are.
•    How to be all that you are.
•    Home is through the heart center.
•    That you are already home.