Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Meek - showing mildness or quietness of nature gentle, easy-going, slow to anger, humble, modest, respectful

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingThis means that those at peace (manifesting their own holy spirit in form) within themselves will get to be on earth for fun. They will get to interact with the earth as if it was them. Meaning that in their peace they are the earth and the earth is theirs.

This time on earth is the beginning of this process. Who knew it would take over two thousand years till it would begin. But that just goes to show you on earth it is a process. The children born from 1980 on are the first generations really beginning to inherit the earth. From the 90's on are the first generation feeling it and acting on their inherent knowing of this.

Those born before 1960 are working out the old plan and preparing for the new. Those born from 1960 on are the implementers of the new plan. Those born after 2000 are the first with the real potential to live it. This is not to say all children but many come in with this ability. Many will not make it to do to the programs past down from their parents and what they have come to learn. They will have to process the family dysfunctions and may spend too much of their life getting out of this or stuck in this process.

For the most part this is the great beginning. You are fortunate enough to be here now to see the change in person. Sure there is a lot of "stuff" still here on earth but hold on to your seat the ride is about to begin.

It is like the ride on a roller coaster, as you go up the first hill you know something is going to happen but you don't get the rush till the last car is over the hill. Right now you are on the way up and waiting for the last car to go over so you can enjoy the ride. Fears may come up as you go over the hill but enjoy the rush anyway.

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