Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Am I?

Does all the old and familiar not seem to work anymore? Do you feel driven to do things that you do not have interest in? Does everything seem to have changed but yet you cannot understand why?

These questions and more are occurring every day for everyone. With all the new energetic changes and the internal shifts going on within each and every one of you the old does not seem to work anymore. Your old habits though, seem to want to still operate. This can often lead to confusion and misunderstanding of what you are supposed to be doing. We would say to you what you are supposed to be doing is discovering your own spirit and what you are actually here for. Being committed to this is the main thing that you are supposed to be doing.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living Now mind you there is no, supposed to be. But for our understanding in the direction of yourself there is a supposed to be of being your self. Your divine self is attempting to integrate with your human self. The old ways that you have been in the past will not seem to be right and yet nothing seems to be right for you at this time. For those of you experiencing this understand that this is a pretty common experience for many people. You may encounter the same thing with food. You'll have a desire for food yet nothing seems to satisfy your desires. Nothing you eat seems to be quite right and yet at the same time too much. This is all about the changes. This is nothing to be concerned about or worry about.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)We would say to you for the food cravings, try spices. Spices and spicy things seem to help with this as well as assist the body. As for your own direction, be patient your answers will arrive. You are going through a time of readjustment and during this time it only creates more confusion for your human mind if you try to do things that don't feel right. Do what's necessary to maintain your functional lifestyle and patiently await your new direction.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal Armageddon

Your personal Armageddon is when your old programs and belief systems are confronted by your new consciousness. You must choose are you going to be the new or are you going to try and hold on to the old ways that you have been so comfortable and familiar with. Are you going to live in polarity consciousness or are you going to live in the unity consciousness? To live in unity consciousness simply means the knowing-ness that all is one and that your decisions and behaviors affect the consciousness of everyone on the planet. All of your judgments and opinions of others are opinions that you have of yourself somewhere.

Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)With 2010 being the year of great change and 2012 with all its rumors fast approaching us is time to understand your own personal Armageddon. Yes 2012 is the peak time for great change but it is not the beginning of this change nor is it the end. 2012 is the time in which the new frequencies of change peak on the planet. You have seen some of mother Earth's changes already beginning and they have been ongoing for a decade now. Only with the acknowledgment and conscious awareness of these changes coming are people actually noticing them. Large scale earthquakes continually occur beneath the ocean unbeknownst to most people.

Isn't this the same your own personal experiences? There are constant rumblings beneath your consciousness about the need for change unbeknownst to most people’s conscious awareness. You see, the Earth is a metaphor for your own personal experience. The Earth is processing just like you are. When the earth rumbles and shakes, when hurricanes or tornadoes occur it would be good for you to reflect upon yourself to see where the same things are occurring within yourself. These are all energies of change. When you focus on your own inner changes in rumblings and do what is necessary to make the changes your spirit is asking for you also assist the Earth in lessening the amount of changes she will have to go through.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Things to do to make your personal Armageddon easier:
•    do a life review - take a look at what you are still doing, feeling or thinking that is not conducive to a loving heart

•    spend more quiet time with yourself - meditation, still time, walks in nature

•    change behaviors that are not loving

•    look for the causes of behaviors and feelings that are not loving

•    make a commitment to yourself to become unconditionally accepting of everything that you are

Apple iPad Case (CASE-ZML MC361ZM/A)•    become more conscious in all ways - conscious of your behaviors, of your feelings, of your environments and of things nonphysical

Personal Armageddon is merely a way for us to communicate with a common language that is occurring today. Often people hear the word Armageddon and feel some sort of dread or fear that something terrible will happen. We would like to tell you that nothing terrible has to happen. There are times of discomfort because the ego personality and physical body are making changes as new frequencies of consciousness are introduced.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingThe beauty of all this is that as you go through this it actually becomes easier. Many of your spiritual gifts will begin to come through into your daily life. You will see that many new technologies will begin to emerge in the next few years. These new technologies are reflections of what you can do without gadgets and are only the beginning of what is ahead.

Please visit our website www.masteringtheartofbeinghuman.com as we are making many changes. We are making more articles and audios available to you. Remember all the information we share with you is simply for you to digest and feel what is right to your spirit.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ascension and Human Skills

There's a lot of talk these days about ascension or ascending. We want to clarify the idea of ascending. Ascension is simply the raising of frequency. There is an old belief system that revolves around an idea that ascension means to leave the body. This was the old way it is not the way it is intended for the Aquarian age. Ascension in the New Age is related to raising frequencies of denseness and limitation to frequencies of freedom and the reuniting of your spirit with your human consciousness.

The frequencies of your current ego/personality are related to belief systems and soul memories. In the ascension process these beliefs systems and soul memories need to be neutralized or changed. By neutralizing or changing your belief systems and soul memories you automatically raise your frequencies. This allows you to become more connected with your own spirit. For the average person that is not on a “spiritual journey” this will be experienced by simply changing the way that they live, think and experience the world.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingFor people who are into personal growth they will experience it something like trying to change their beliefs systems, doing therapy, becoming more aware of themselves and the idea of patterned behaviors and/or being pulled toward the spiritual direction. For those already on a spiritual journey they will experience everything already mentioned as well as an understanding of energy, intuitive/psychic abilities, expanded consciousness and the sense of the greater picture. For those of you on the spiritual journey a major pitfall is ignoring your humanness in your human skills.

Many people on the spiritual path ignore these things is seeing them as not as important as spiritual stuff. We would tell you that they are not separate that your spiritual stuff and your humanness stuff are equally important. To become a master of your own ascension is to be a master of both spiritual skills and human skills until you have integrated them both into one the whole experience. When you have mastered your human and your spiritual skills you will be a unified being.

Amazon Kindle Black Leather Cover w/ strap (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)This will parallel to the unity consciousness that is coming to this planet and the consciousness of everyone on it. By you living in the unity consciousness yourself you ground this energy for the entire planet. It is not about leaving the planet to understand your spirit it is about your spirit fully and turning your humanness and becoming a spiritual human/spirit human.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Transition 2010

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingWell the last couple of months have been great transition for many people. At this time we want to notify you that we will also be transitioning the name of the MMI website and newsletter to Mastering the Art of Being Human.

Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation--with iPhone OS 3.1 Software Installed) [NEWEST MODEL]We feel that this is more appropriate at this time as all of humanity is learning to integrate their spirituality and their humanness whether they are conscious of it or not. This is a time when those of you who are ready will become spiritual humans. This is where your humanness/your ego personality becomes unified with your inner spirit. Mastering the Art of Being Human website will be a place where the average person can learn about their spirit, and their humanity meets their spirituality. It will also be a place where people who are becoming connected with their spirit can integrate and ground their spirit into their humanness.

There's a lot of talk these days about ascension or ascending. We want to clarify the idea of ascending. Ascension is simply the raising of frequency. There is an old belief system that revolves around an idea that ascension means to leave the body. This was the old way it is not the way it is intended for the Aquarian age. Ascension in the New Age is related to raising frequencies of denseness and limitation to frequencies of freedom and the reuniting of your spirit with your human consciousness. This is why we have so aptly chosen the name Mastering the Art of Being Human.
15-Item Accessory Bundle for Apple iPod Touch 2G and 3G

By the way we have a blog that we have recently started for parenting indigo/intuitive/psychic children or children who are “different”. Please post questions or situations and we will comment on them for you.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Meek - showing mildness or quietness of nature gentle, easy-going, slow to anger, humble, modest, respectful

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingThis means that those at peace (manifesting their own holy spirit in form) within themselves will get to be on earth for fun. They will get to interact with the earth as if it was them. Meaning that in their peace they are the earth and the earth is theirs.

This time on earth is the beginning of this process. Who knew it would take over two thousand years till it would begin. But that just goes to show you on earth it is a process. The children born from 1980 on are the first generations really beginning to inherit the earth. From the 90's on are the first generation feeling it and acting on their inherent knowing of this.

Those born before 1960 are working out the old plan and preparing for the new. Those born from 1960 on are the implementers of the new plan. Those born after 2000 are the first with the real potential to live it. This is not to say all children but many come in with this ability. Many will not make it to do to the programs past down from their parents and what they have come to learn. They will have to process the family dysfunctions and may spend too much of their life getting out of this or stuck in this process.

For the most part this is the great beginning. You are fortunate enough to be here now to see the change in person. Sure there is a lot of "stuff" still here on earth but hold on to your seat the ride is about to begin.

It is like the ride on a roller coaster, as you go up the first hill you know something is going to happen but you don't get the rush till the last car is over the hill. Right now you are on the way up and waiting for the last car to go over so you can enjoy the ride. Fears may come up as you go over the hill but enjoy the rush anyway.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction
Great questions often asked about this subject:

What is this "law"?
Is it what it is cracked up to be?
Why does it work sometimes and not others?

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingApple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)Let's begin with this, The Law of Attraction is not really a law it is an operating system within the "Matrix". It has no validity outside of the "Matrix". It is a limited rule of operation within the limited confines of humans and certain levels of consciousness. It does however apply to those at a certain frequency but not those beings at higher frequencies.

This novelty is merely an avenue to bring people to consciousness. Those who already have an inner connection, however conscious or unconscious, may think it is rubbish or feel like it is on to something but not enough. Those who have yet to feel their inner connection may think it is magic. Then there are those who are not even thinking of feeling their inner connection may say this is bull. Many levels of perceptions to awaken, none are wrong and all are right to each perceiving them.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)There are other more advanced "laws" coming, one is the law of creation which is the next step. Remember laws are not real they are terms to describe things that seem to be truths. The only truth is ….there are no laws and Spirit is lawless!

Consciousness Cures Everything

The answer to all suffering and all disease is consciousness. It is not human consciousness that we're speaking of; it is the consciousness of your spirit or essence. Human consciousness is limited to immediate awareness of its human experience. Spirit consciousness is conscious of all things at all levels of existence whenever it so chooses. Spirit consciousness is beyond limitations and beyond sickness and pain.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingIn general human beings who are on an internal growth process tend to see consciousness as something their human achieves. To begin with you must begin to see your humanness and your spirit has two separate sources in order to give you some perspective. It isn't that they are necessarily two separate sources but this perspective allows you to separate from your limited human consciousness long enough to see a larger picture. Once having established this separate perspective you can begin to see that your human consciousness is limited to your belief systems patterned behaviors and attitudes. You can then see the possibility of spirit consciousness. Human consciousness being limited allows for the possibilities of sickness and pain.

Spirit consciousness being beyond these does not allow for these to occur unless it is something that it chooses to experience in the human form. To be in spirit consciousness your vibrational frequency must be elevated. Human consciousness carries with it a denser vibrational frequency therefore allowing the possibilities of illness and pain. Being in a denser vibrational frequency creates greater limitations than otherwise available in spirit consciousness.
Internal personal growth allows for your vibrational frequencies to be elevated toward spirit consciousness. This then naturally eliminates illness and pain.

Changing of your vibrational frequency includes changing your belief systems, your thoughts, your attitudes and your programmed human behaviors. Many seeking consciousness neglect this aspect of raising their frequencies.
15-Item Accessory Bundle for Apple iPod Touch 2G and 3GThree things you can do to raise your vibrational frequencies:

1. Find a process that is a personal fit that allows you to change your beliefs systems. Some examples are; EFT, Mastering the Art of Being Human, AFT...

2. Visualizations of bringing in higher frequencies of light and sound into your body. White light is a magnificent symbol as it encompasses all the frequencies of light and allows for your spirit to decide which ones are best for your body. Violet light is wonderful for transformation and transmuting denser energies and the old belief systems.

3. Have a relationship with someone who is on the same path as you that you can bounce your changes and ideas off of. This relationship must at its core have the agreement that you were both completely honest about everything. It also must have the understanding that neither of you are completely clear and your opinions and honesty might be a little off, but you are both doing the best that you can.

Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation--with iPhone OS 3.1 Software Installed) [NEWEST MODEL]Spirit consciousness occurs when your spirit integrates with your humanness and the two become one. The old belief system thought that your humanness ascended into your spirit but that is the difference between the Piscean age and the Aquarian age. The Aquarian/New Age is the integration of your spirit with your humanity thereby ascending your vibrational frequency whereas you change from being a human being to a divine human.

For more info: 
