Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soul Memory and The Fear of Death

The fear of death is often difficult to understand for many reasons. One is that it may have nothing to do with your human mind or experience. This would make it unexplainable to the human understanding. Sometimes in the human understanding it makes no sense to have these unexplained fears.

 The fear of death may also be experienced at the soul level. The soul is still in the experience of separation and duality. While the soul is experiencing this separateness and still recording life's events from duality/polarity it records the many traumatic experiences that it encountered in the physical body. The soul contains the memories of all of these traumas and can also record fear. This fear then is inexplicably experienced by the human understanding. When the soul has been anchored fully in a human body and had many traumatic physical experiences it will also record the interpretation of those experiences. One of those interpretations is fear. Along with this fear is also recorded the reactions to things that are feared. This then brings along into a new life experience, unconscious behavior patterns that are not explainable in present day.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingDeath commonly is experienced as a traumatic and fearful event. In the history of the world there have been many wars and very poor medical practices that have led to many painful deaths. The fear and pain encountered during those times is often  anticipated or re-experienced  even if the current death is not painful. This also could possibly create a fear of birth or being alive and in a human body. Based upon these traumas and fears the soul may not want to reattach itself to the body based on anticipation of re-encountering these painful traumas. In truth what is actually occurring is the memories are being re-experienced over and over whether they are actually happening or not. These fears may also create events and circumstances that cause this experience to occur over and over again.

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)If you happen to have the fear of death or any other inexplicable fears maybe this post will assist you in making sense of them.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Unconditional Acceptance

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living
Many people speak of unconditional love, it is a rare thing that occurs. We think that part of the trouble and difficulty is because of the common definition of the word love. In the human mind love means something that is not what was intended by the ancient ones who spoke of love. Human love is different than Love.

We would suggest that learning and becoming unconditional acceptance will set the stage for a greater understanding of Love.

Unconditional acceptance is what Love is about and is required for you to move forward in your growth and enjoyment of life.

Unconditional Acceptance includes but is not limited to the following.

Becoming Unconditionally Accepting of:

•    yourself
•     others
•    all events
•    the world as it is
•    that anything is possible
•    your choices and behaviors
•    everyone has their own truth
•    other people's choices and behaviors
•    there are many things you are unaware of

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)You must be mindful of the difference between neutrality and indifference as they appear the same to the limited ego personality. Unconditional acceptance is often experienced as the state of neutrality. Unconditional acceptance is free of judgment. Because of this the state of neutrality or unconditional acceptance is often judged by the mind as being cold, because there are no emotional feelings. This state of no emotions is a reflection of neutrality a step toward Unconditional Love.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Knowledge Is Power

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingFor this writing understand that your head is a metaphor for your ego/ personality or humanness and your heart is a metaphor for your spirit. The metaphor when your head and heart merge is a parallel for your spirit and your ego/ personality merging which allows you to have conscious wisdom in the world of form.

The head seeks knowledge in order to validate itself. In relation to the metaphor above, the heart is your spirit and with your spirit everything is known there is no need for knowledge. The head being a metaphor for your limited ego personality and your ego personality seeks validation that it exists. In order to receive this validation or create its own reality it needs knowledge. With knowledge the ego personality gains and maintains validation. The phrase “knowledge is power” really means that the more knowledge you have the more powerful your ego/ personality structure becomes.

Knowledge is the power of limitation!
Wisdom is the freedom from limitation!

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)Knowledge is the power through which the ego personality survives. Spirit (the heart) has no need for knowledge. It's awareness comes through experience and beingness. Experience is wisdom and wisdom is the beingness of your spirit.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The single greatest aspiration you can have in life is to have the desire and willingness to find out who you really are. To find out what your own spirit/soul wants to be or experience. That's the only true aspiration and the only aspiration you need. All other aspirations are based upon the world, programs and beliefs systems.These aspirations are all temporal and in essence false.

Until you are tired of keeping yourself numb or living in the patterned behaviors you have accepted as your truth you will never be able to reach the true aspiration of becoming/discovering who you truly are. The causes of your numbness may be eating, working, relationships, drugs, alcohol, feeling important, feeling loved, wanting to be successful, cars, etc. As long as the desire to be or do something other than discovering your true essence your life will never be truly complete or fulfilling.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingOften times this is reflected in a seeming emptiness within that is unexplainable. This feeling of emptiness is at times so unbearable people do not know what to do. Quite often to fill this emptiness people continue with the busyness or these forms of numbing to the aspiration of becoming, your true essence. The irony here is that the emptiness is not truly emptiness. The emptiness feels empty because you are numb. Sometimes it feels empty because you are trying to fill the sense of your true essence with all of these busy things. Because at some level you know that these busy things are empty.
 This can lead to life feeling shallow, superficial and meaningless. When all the things that you believe you are supposed to be no longer keep you busy enough to ignore the emptiness there is often a search for inner meaning.

Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)The emptiness is not truly an emptiness. It is perceived of as emptiness because all of the things you believed you were supposed to be do not work in the truth of your essence. The inability to distinguish the difference between who you believe you were supposed to be and who you really are is what creates this perceived sense of emptiness. If you are feeling empty inside or have ever felt this sense of emptiness, we suggest it is then time for you to aspire to be who you really are. Discover your true spiritual essence and the emptiness will disappear and you will see that it was all an illusion. You will discover that it was only there because the real you was not.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Meaningful Relationships

Many people are searching for meaningful relationships. Some reasons for this search are, to complete themselves, to feel fulfilled, to place their love on to someone or be loved by someone etc. These are but a few common reasons for people getting into relationships. Of course there are many more reasons, as many as people can imagine. What most people don't understand is that you cannot have a full meaningful relationship with another human being until you had or begin to have a meaningful relationship with yourself.

The first step to having a meaningful relationship with someone else is to have one with you. This means going on an inner journey of self-discovery. In this process the object is to learn about your patterned behaviors and beliefs systems that contribute to any or all challenges you have had in the past and may still have, in having relationships with other human beings.

Four steps to a meaningful relationship: 

1.    Self-discovery - inner exploration of your beliefs patterned behaviors and attitudes towards other people.

2.     Change - find processes that assist you in making changes in your behaviors beliefs and attitudes.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living3.     Unconditional acceptance of yourself - once you have discovered some of your behaviors, Beliefs and attitudes in regards to relationships, accept them. Know that these are just programs that can be changed. Change the ones that don't work in regards to having  meaningful relationships and keep the ones that work.

4.    Love yourself - learning to love/unconditionally accept yourself and be happy with who you are, is required for you to have a meaningful relationship with someone else.